Gather ‘round for our favorite holiday traditions
‘Tis the season for celebrating, and there are lots of ways to celebrate. It’s also the season for sharing, so we’ve shared below a few of our favorite holiday pastimes. What are some of your traditions?
“My siblings and I have our picture taken with Santa every year – still, even now that we’re adults. My mom and dad started this tradition together when they first began dating and have done it ever since 1980!” – Emily (US)
“In the Danish tradition we have live candles on the tree and hold hands while we sing English and Danish songs and hymns.” – Louise (UK)
“I make a wreath from the garden foliage, and I always cook a ham using the Nigella Cola recipe!” – Gemma (UK)
“We buy a new Christmas decoration to add on to the tree each year.” – Elizabeth (UK)
“During Advent we do wreaths, and each Sunday in Advent we light another candle. And we eat tons of ‘Lebkuchen’ (gingerbread style cookies) and ‘Plätzchen’ (special Christmas cookies).” – Claudia (Germany)
“My mom made Orange Snails from scratch every Christmas morning. She still does, even though all of her kids are out of the house.” – Jala (US)

“We always adopted a family. We shopped together and made piles for each family member. A week or so before Christmas we’d have a party that included my whole family plus my office. We all ate, wrapped, ribboned and stickered each present. Then we’d play a game and do a gift exchange. My family delivered the “Christmas in red wagons” on Christmas Eve. This year I sent a check to the family we’ve had for the last 6 years. We also support 11 Haitian families. This year we’re providing a venue for them to celebrate, a meal and gave each family money to make another family’s Christmas. We will Skype in on the 23rd, the same day we’re doing our family and office party.” – Jill (US)
Include your stories, links to recipes, etc. in the comments. We’d love to see the diversity of how the g community celebrates!