On Location with Jess and James: Adventure
The best thing about adventuring is _________.
Go ahead. Fill in the blank. Because whatever you answer is right on the money. For Jess and James, our seafaring friends, sometimes the answer has been “travel,” other times “discovery,” and other times “new friends.” Recently though, their answer was most likely “growth.”
“My second pregnancy didn’t alter any of our sailing plans and we were even able to go out on a big 10 week camping trip, all around the country, only returning to the boat when I was over 7 months. However, this time we were ready, armed with the knowledge that our firstborn had chosen to make an early appearance. By 36 weeks I had done my due diligence: the ‘baby bag’ was packed and ready for the birth centre, the tiny infant clothes that Rocket had worn were freshly washed and organised, and, of course, all our newborn and small gDiapers came out of storage, sat cheerfully next to their big sister’s large gPants on the shelves. Rocket was seeming entirely positive about her mamma’s baby bump and was frequently kissing and cuddling my belly.”
As any seasoned parent will tell you (and Jess and James now know all too well!), no matter how well you plan, the one thing that makes an adventure truly an adventure is giving in to the unexpected. Though their daughter Rocket made an early appearance at 37 weeks, Jess’ second pregnancy carried on and on and on. “As 36, 37, and 38 weeks came and went, as my due date loomed and then passed, we realised that our second boat baby was definitely on a different time schedule.” 39 weeks went by. Then 40. Then 41. And then …
A new adventure began! Please welcome baby Indigo, Rocket’s little brother, born at 42 weeks and 1 day. We are over the moon and beyond the stars for you! Welcome to the world, little one, we cannot wait to hear about what adventures await you.