On location with Ellie on the Appalachian Trail: Part 2
You remember gBaby Ellie, yes? Of course you do! After all, Ellie is the first baby hiking the entire Appalachian Trail (AT). We checked in with Ellie and her parents to get an update on how their trek is going!
gBaby Ellie is so proud of the many miles she’s trekked!
They’ve already hiked over 1,100 miles of the AT so far – more thanhalfway there! They’ve gone all the way through the south and mid sections and are currently finishing up the trail in New England. Here’s what Bekah and Derrick, Ellie’s brave parents, say about their current conditions:
“We hike about 10-12 miles a day up here in New England in comparison to 13-16 miles a day in the easier terrain of the midlands and the south. The New Hampshire White Mountains are absolutely spectacular, by far the most gorgeous region we've been in! Ellie loves the big, open ridgeline views.”
Even with spectacular views, Ellie gets her naptime in.
Of course, babies continue to grow even on the trail, so Bekah and Derrick are finding their way through Ellie’s changing needs: “Ellie started walking recently, and it's been a challenge balancing getting miles in and also letting her explore on her own two legs. It's been fun letting her play at the High Huts in the Whites!”
Ellie—perhaps the first baby to learn how to walk while on the AT!
Selfishly, we also wanted to check in on how diapering was going for them, all the successes and the challenges:
“It’s funny, everybody asks about diapers on the trail, and we kind of forget how this lifestyle isn't the norm! We explain gDiapers to them, and they're always amazed at how the system works. We have learned how to change Ellie's diaper while she's standing up because it was difficult finding a place for her to lay down. This works so much better than laying her down on the ground.”
Ellie double checking her gear.
Originally their plan was to pack out all of the Disposable Inserts, but they’ve had a lovely surprise!
“We've found that many day hikers are more than happy to offer to take her dirty diaper inserts and dispose of them for us, which we are very appreciative!”
Meals on the trail are always so nourishing.
We are so excited to see Ellie and her family finish up their adventure on the AT. And until then, follow along with them (and see even more adorable pics of Ellie!) on their blog and Instagram account. See you at the finish line, Ellie!