gStories: A gMum’s tips for traveling with gDiapers
Going on your first long-distance trip with your little one can be nerve-wracking, but the memories and adventures are sure worth it. How do you overcome the challenges so you can still enjoy your trip? We talked with Lisette, a traveling-with-kids-pro and gMum of four, to find out.

Describe what you love about being a mom.
I was born for this role in my life. I am in no way perfect, but I do feel like I am doing what I was meant to do, and that makes me incredibly happy. I love sharing my life with my children and making memories together. Sometimes I feel the huge responsibility of raising them well, to help them become great humans, but then they do something that makes me smile and helps me remember the joys of life.
Tell us about your travel experiences with your kids. You’ve done a lot!
My family and I always try to visit our extended families whenever we can. Both my husband’s and my families live far away. Every opportunity we get, we pack our bags and visit them. No matter how many kids we have had at that time—1, 2, 3 or 4 . We recently took a trip to Mexico City with our three former gBabies and our handsome ten-month-old gBaby. Sometimes traveling with kids can be challenging, but bringing our gDiapers with us is not only great, but necessary.
What are your essentials when you’re traveling with gDiapers?
We pack our diaper bag with already stuffed gPants and extra Disposable Inserts. That’s one of the first things on our packing list. Packing Inserts is easy since they’re so light, and you can spread them around so they won’t use a lot of space either. We take a wet bag too because, let’s be honest, poop happens. In case the pouch gets dirty, I just toss it in the bag and don’t worry about it until we get to our destination.
I also recommend bringing a carrier with you for traveling. Walking through the airport can be too much for the little ones. But pushing a stroller is a lot more work—you can’t use your hands for anything else and waiting for the stroller after landing is not fun when you have kids that are ready to stretch and run. I totally recommend babywearing when traveling.
We also bring a bag of new, cheap dollar toys. That will keep them busy for a while.

You mentioned gDiapers are actually necessary for when you’re traveling. Why?
There’s a guarantee that if our baby has a poop explosion during the flight, everything will stay where it has to stay. Also, whenever kids have a change in diet, their poop changes, and then they get diaper rash. But gDiapers help us keep those bums rash-free. It’s also very convenient to use gDiapers whenever you are at the beach or a pool. We just take the Insert out and there! You have a swim suit. A very cute one, by the way.

Any advice for new parents traveling for the first time?
Be patient. Remember, you are on a plane. You can’t go anywhere. Just breathe, let your kids know that kicking the seat in front of you is not ok, to try to avoid THE look. But enjoy the experience.
What’s it like having been through four babies in gDiapers?
It’s been over 7 years of being a gMum and would not change a thing about it. We have our oldest daughter and first gBaby, Lemoni, who’s seven. She has taught us everything. I saved Lemoni’s gPants in case our next was a girl.
After her we had Alek, our handsome five-year-old. When Alek came, I was so excited to buy boy gPants. He still used Lemoni’s solid color gPants.
Then we had Emmeline, three. She knows she is the boss. And she had a full gPant collection! All the colors and prints, but she had to share with Alek since he was still in diapers.
And then came our baby boy, 10-month-old Stefano. He’s the happiest baby on earth. When Stefano was born, all the girly pants went to a home that would give them some more love. But I may or may not have kept my favorite ones.
We love how your gDiapers have lasted through the years, Lisette! And here’s to many more adventures and memorable trips to come. We are so happy to provide a traveling essential for your family.
Have you gone traveling with your gDiapers? Tell us about your experience below!