Introducing Better Way Wednesday: a place to share your parenting tips & tricks!
We are excited to invite you to join our new campaign—Better Way Wednesday! It’s a chance for you, our amazing gMums and gDads, to share your solutions you’ve discovered as parents.
As you may know, g started because Jason and Kim wanted a new solution for diapering—a better way. And we believe we all, as parents, are constantly finding better ways to live, whether they are soothing teething pains, calming a toddler tantrum, actually filling out that baby book, or discovering new ways to relax.
What better way to share these “aha” moments than through our wonderful Facebook community! Every Wednesday, we’ll post a new Better Way submission on Facebook. You can submit either via Facebook message or emailing us.
So without further ado, here’s our first Better Way tip, from gMum Karin!
6 weeks worth of healthy meals + a printable menu chart

What a delicious way to take the thinking out of what’s for dinner. Thank you, gMum Karin!
Send us your Better Way tip! Message us on Facebook or email us at