Podcast Episode: CEO
Being a CEO is tough. Being a parent is even tougher. Today we are going to be talking to Rhea Drysdale, the CEO of Outspoken Media. Rhea is also the parent of a four-year-old and a one-year-old. As you can imagine, she has a lot on her plate! She shares her experiences of being pregnant, breastfeeding, recovering from a difficult delivery, finding her groove as a new mom, and then transitioning from one child to two, all while also remaining CEO of her company.

Episode Highlights:
- How Rhea’s experience finding out that she couldn’t control everything changed her as a mom and as a CEO.
- How the kindness of strangers helped Rhea survive the first year as a new mom and a CEO.
- Some lessons that Rhea has learned about being a CEO while pregnant, a mom of one, and a mom of two.
- Why Rhea found it easy to bond with moms who had been through traumatic experiences.
- What she would do differently the third time around, if she decides to have another baby.
- How Rhea handled communication with her team members while on maternity leave.
- How parenting helped Rhea appreciate the wisdom of moms who have gone before her.
- Questions Rhea has asked herself to help find balance between work and parenting.
- How Rhea handles working-parent guilt and how she depends on her support system to help her keep it under control.
Links From Contributors:
Rhea Drysdale on LinkedIn
Outspoken Media
Blog Post on Medium.com
Quotes From This Episode:
“I prepared so much from a book... but nobody told me how to actually raise a child.”“If I could go back in time, I’d have trained myself to accept help more.”
“Having a baby made me realize, wow, I really don’t know a lot.”
“If I’m going to be away from my family, it better be worth it.”
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Meet the host: DJ Waldow
DJ Waldow is a husband, father (of 4... including TWINS!), and a 7-year gDiapers user—his children, not him. He's an advocate, a super-fan, and an overall lover of the gDiaper brand, product, and community. DJ also happens to have his own marketing company, 3LTRZ, where he helps clients with content creation—like podcasts. DJ has launched 3 (now 4) podcasts over the years, recording over 100 episodes!
1 comment
Thank you for the opportunity! Loved chatting about this crazy CEO life and how I balance it with motherhood.