gDiapers Blog, Stories & Podcasts
January 12, 2015
January 8th was quite the day. For fans of Elvis, it was his birthday. If the cheeseburgers hadn’t claimed him, he would have been 80. At gDiapers, we celebrated another very special birthday: the very first day on planet earth for Scarlet Irene. She is Jill’s, one of our fabulous investors, very first granddaughter. Jill has eight kids so we suspect there will be many more grandkids for her. But with the birth of Scarlet, Jill and Jimmy added Grandma and Grandpa to their long list of titles.
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January 7, 2015
A new year cometh and with it a whole new era for gDiapers. In 2015 we not only celebrate 10 years in business, but we also see the opening of a third gHQ. After Portland (2004) and London (2011), Sydney is open for business, albeit in our temporary location until we move into our more permanent digs in March. But it’ll do :0)
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December 1, 2014
We’re all familiar with Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but did you know that the Tuesday after Thanksgiving is an even more special day, with a generous twist? It’s called Giving Tuesday, and it’s the perfect antidote to the hectic consumerism that can take over this time of year.
I love this holiday. I love how it bookends the Thanksgiving holiday period and lets us start with reflection and gratitude on Thursday and allows us to end with action and giving on Tuesday. It brings us back to what matters.
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November 10, 2014
In honor of our Goal! and Gay Paree raffles to support Gales Creek Camp for kids with diabetes, members of our community have reached out with their stories of how chronic illness has affected their and their children’s lives. Here, longtime gMum Jaimey shares the story of her son Grayson’s diagnosis with type 1 diabetes at the age of 6.
If you had asked me one year ago what the next year might look like, it never would have included the words “type 1 diabetes.” Sure enough, as dumb luck would have it, a year ago from today I was sitting at my friend Michelle’s kitchen counter testing my 6-year-old son’s blood sugar with her 6-year-old son’s blood sugar monitor for “peace of mind.”
After waiting what seemed like an eternity for the number to pop up (which in reality, took like three seconds), Michelle looked at the 360 on the screen. “That’s not peace of mind, you need to go to urgent care right now.” My brain went both numb and into full blown chaos in that moment.
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October 30, 2014
After 10 years in the US, Jason & Kim are relocating back to Australia to continue growing the business from Down Under. We have moved on from the "early years" and are now heading off into the "middle years."
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September 12, 2014
Before Back To School
Remember our friends in Leadville, CO? They’re Carrie and Cooper, two teachers/elevation-defying composters who recently welcomed another member to the family for a grand total of four, two of whom are happily adding to the compost pile, instead of the trash bin, by way of gDiapers (disposable inserts, wet ones only).
We wanted to catch up with this miles-high family as summer wraps up and Carrie and Cooper head back to school.
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